Blog post dated 13-06-2013

Blog Post

Although, I was an integral part of organizing phases of Convocation 2013, I was totally sidelined on d-day itself just because I dared to speak and question the institute's policies. If one question creates such a chaos at your end, imagine what happens to me daily while I am questioned by my wife; my parents; my family; relatives; friends; and the neighborhood about not being able to meet their basic livelihood expectations even after possessing distinguished academic achievements and professional accomplishments, imagine what I may feel like when we are always cornered while any event is organized for the staff even though we have been a part of this family since more than past five years.
I have been warned again not to come in front of a Central Council Member "Mr.XYZ" eevn at office, Why..? What wrong have I done..? instead of veiling me it must be they who should hide their faces as they have been doing wrong to the employees for all this period without any care; concern or guilt. and also, they should hide their faces who have been undertaking this injustice and nurturing it all the time.
Still.. this intouchability has only strengthened my determination to extend this struggle against injustice to further levels untill truth triumphs. Come what may, even a transfer or termination, i have prepared myself to fight against these discriminatory practices being adopted by the institute; especially in the matters related to staff.
The continued silence of authorities will never resolve the issue. Someone must be made answerable to the gross violation of and individual's fundamental right as guaranteed by the constitution of India. Someone must be accountable for this delay and injustice. This constant silence is making the aggrieved completely baffled and clueless.

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