Email dt 25-06-2013 to President and Council Members - For Review of unlawful offer for SO

Email dt 25-06-2013 to President and Council Members 
- For Review of unlawful offer for SO

Dated: 25-06-2013

Honorable President
Esteemed Council Members and 
Respected Secretary Sir!

Subject: Request for timely resolution of applicant’s grievance regarding confirmation at ICAI

Honorable Sir(s)/Madam(s),

Please refer to applicant's various earlier communications on above captioned subject that requires your immediate action.

In this regard, the aggrieved applicant wishes to bring to your kind notice that in spite of these communications and followups, the office is not only delaying the justice, but also has altogether denied it by offering a much lower post of Section Officer, though this time in written, to the applicant against that of the post of Executive officer as offered to him vide his offer of engagement, after completion of probation period.

Therefore, the aggrieved applicant deems it fit to bring this injustice to the knowledge of your good office, if not aware already, and pray your honorable office(s) to ensure earliest justice to the aggrieved.

Various essential details of this grievance are summarized as below:
1) The applicant has achieved State Rank 1 in UPSEE-2005, state level entrance examination for MBA
2) The applicant has completed his MBA in Finance and Control, from IMS-LU in 2007 with 73.5%
3) The applicant has served at LBSIMDS, Lucknow at the post of Lecturer in the pay scale of Rs 8000-275-13500 for 27-08-2007 to 31-03-2008 (six months) before joining ICAI
4) The applicant has applied for the post of Management Trainee at ICAI vide Advt dated 15-03-2007
5) On the basis of his qualifications; experience and successfully completing requisite procedure of written test/interview, the applicant was offered a post of Management Trainee at the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India vide offer-of-engagement Ref: ICAI/HRD(P)/Rectt./2008 dated 07/03/2008
6) The applicant joined the Kanpur office of ICAI on 07-04-2008 only after duly resigning from the post of Lecturer in the pay scale of Rs 8000-275-13500 at LBSIMDS, Lucknow due to offer of better prospects.
7) The better career prospects as assured by the above said offer letter may be summarized as:
    A) Training Period of One Year from the Date of Joining ( 07/04/2008 ) [Para2 of O-O-E]
    B) Consideration for the position of Executive Officer in the Pay Scale of Rs8500-275-13725 upon completion of Training Period of One Year. [Para9 of O-O-E]
8) Against the terms of offer-letter, the applicant was verbally offered a post of SO in Aug2010, which was immediately denied by the applicant and properly represented to the Secretary, ICAI vide written letter dated 06-09-2010, and offered again vide written communication Ref:ICAI/HRD/K-4/2013 dated 20-06-2013
9) The applicant has successfully completed more than five years of service, up to utmost satisfaction of this office, carrying out various duties as assigned to him with utmost sincerity and dedication 
10) Even though such a significant period has elapsed, the organization has been entirely negligent towards the career growth and immense personal distress being resultant of such injustice to the applicant.

The links to relevant documents have been submitted to your good office vide earlier email dated 08-06-2013 and may be kindly perused on my blog related to this issue.

Further, my prayer for seeking long-delayed justice, as per terms offered in my appointment contract, is reiterated as below:
1) Confirmation at the Post of E.O. w.e.f. 07-04-2009
2) Payment of all arrears and annual benefits payable to EO (viz. Medical benefits; annual lump sum) etc. w.e.f 07-04-2009
3) Award/Payment of additional benefits, due, if any, as per prevailing HRD Policy of the institute.
4) Recovery of additional arrears paid Rs40000 [(Rs2500*22months)-(Rs2500*6months, as actual due)]
5) Credit of Annual Earned Leaves in my leave account, as per office rules, w.e.f 07-04-2008

Kindly do the needful at earliest, under an intimation to the applicant, so that appropriate communication may be made to the concerned offices(s).

With due Regards,

Atal Bajpai
Management Trainee
Accounts/Admin Section
The Institute Of Chartered Accountants of India ,

ICAI Bhawan, 16/77-B, Civil Lines, Kanpur –208001

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