Email dt 25-06-2013 to President and Council Members - For Review of unlawful offer for SO

Email dt 25-06-2013 to President and Council Members 
- For Review of unlawful offer for SO

Dated: 25-06-2013

Honorable President
Esteemed Council Members and 
Respected Secretary Sir!

Subject: Request for timely resolution of applicant’s grievance regarding confirmation at ICAI

Honorable Sir(s)/Madam(s),

Please refer to applicant's various earlier communications on above captioned subject that requires your immediate action.

In this regard, the aggrieved applicant wishes to bring to your kind notice that in spite of these communications and followups, the office is not only delaying the justice, but also has altogether denied it by offering a much lower post of Section Officer, though this time in written, to the applicant against that of the post of Executive officer as offered to him vide his offer of engagement, after completion of probation period.

Therefore, the aggrieved applicant deems it fit to bring this injustice to the knowledge of your good office, if not aware already, and pray your honorable office(s) to ensure earliest justice to the aggrieved.

Various essential details of this grievance are summarized as below:
1) The applicant has achieved State Rank 1 in UPSEE-2005, state level entrance examination for MBA
2) The applicant has completed his MBA in Finance and Control, from IMS-LU in 2007 with 73.5%
3) The applicant has served at LBSIMDS, Lucknow at the post of Lecturer in the pay scale of Rs 8000-275-13500 for 27-08-2007 to 31-03-2008 (six months) before joining ICAI
4) The applicant has applied for the post of Management Trainee at ICAI vide Advt dated 15-03-2007
5) On the basis of his qualifications; experience and successfully completing requisite procedure of written test/interview, the applicant was offered a post of Management Trainee at the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India vide offer-of-engagement Ref: ICAI/HRD(P)/Rectt./2008 dated 07/03/2008
6) The applicant joined the Kanpur office of ICAI on 07-04-2008 only after duly resigning from the post of Lecturer in the pay scale of Rs 8000-275-13500 at LBSIMDS, Lucknow due to offer of better prospects.
7) The better career prospects as assured by the above said offer letter may be summarized as:
    A) Training Period of One Year from the Date of Joining ( 07/04/2008 ) [Para2 of O-O-E]
    B) Consideration for the position of Executive Officer in the Pay Scale of Rs8500-275-13725 upon completion of Training Period of One Year. [Para9 of O-O-E]
8) Against the terms of offer-letter, the applicant was verbally offered a post of SO in Aug2010, which was immediately denied by the applicant and properly represented to the Secretary, ICAI vide written letter dated 06-09-2010, and offered again vide written communication Ref:ICAI/HRD/K-4/2013 dated 20-06-2013
9) The applicant has successfully completed more than five years of service, up to utmost satisfaction of this office, carrying out various duties as assigned to him with utmost sincerity and dedication 
10) Even though such a significant period has elapsed, the organization has been entirely negligent towards the career growth and immense personal distress being resultant of such injustice to the applicant.

The links to relevant documents have been submitted to your good office vide earlier email dated 08-06-2013 and may be kindly perused on my blog related to this issue.

Further, my prayer for seeking long-delayed justice, as per terms offered in my appointment contract, is reiterated as below:
1) Confirmation at the Post of E.O. w.e.f. 07-04-2009
2) Payment of all arrears and annual benefits payable to EO (viz. Medical benefits; annual lump sum) etc. w.e.f 07-04-2009
3) Award/Payment of additional benefits, due, if any, as per prevailing HRD Policy of the institute.
4) Recovery of additional arrears paid Rs40000 [(Rs2500*22months)-(Rs2500*6months, as actual due)]
5) Credit of Annual Earned Leaves in my leave account, as per office rules, w.e.f 07-04-2008

Kindly do the needful at earliest, under an intimation to the applicant, so that appropriate communication may be made to the concerned offices(s).

With due Regards,

Atal Bajpai
Management Trainee
Accounts/Admin Section
The Institute Of Chartered Accountants of India ,

ICAI Bhawan, 16/77-B, Civil Lines, Kanpur –208001

Letter (Reminder) dt 24-06-2013 to Shri Sriprakash Jaiswal, Hon’ble Union Minister of Coal

Letter (Reminder) dt 24-06-2013 to Shri Sriprakash Jaiswal, Hon’ble Union Minister of Coal

EMail dt 24-06-2013 to HRD - Reply to offer of SO

Dear Sir(s),

With reference to your communication Ref No ICAI/HRD/K-4/2013 dated 20-06-2013, as received by email of same date and duly acknowledged by the recipient, the hard copy of which was received at 04:35pm of 24-06-2013, the undersigned wishes to seek following information from your good office, and through it, convey the same to the concerned appropriate authority of the institute:

1) Reasons for not having any formal written communication with the applicant, since 07-03-2008, on the issue in spite of repeated communications by the aggrieved in this regard.

2) You have referred to my letter dated 23-05-2013. Has not the office received various other letters as sent by undersigned on 06-09-2010 (Speedpost:EU489318938IN); 01-05-2013(EU855242374IN); 06-06-2013(EU195924916IN) etc. Further, the aggrieved has been intimated by the office of Shri Sriprakash Jaiswal, Hon’ble Union Minister of Coal, Govt. of India, that as per the undersigned’s communication dated 06-06-2013 with his office, a letter has been issued to the office of President-ICAI on date 10-06-2013 for the matter to be considered on priority and on lawful grounds, as the contents of the application were found to be self explanatory by the hon’ble Minister himself. The undersigned wishes the office to acknowledge the receipt of this communication and action taken against it, if any.

3) Further, your above said letter states that "on evaluation of your performance and interview..."

3A) As per Approved Office Note dated 01.09.2010, arrear amount of Rs2500/-pm (for 22 months though in place of 6 months) was released to the undersigned only after receipt of due recommendation of his performance by the concerned Regional Head which was duly mentioned and certified vide applicant's Annual Performance Appraisals. Then, how can be a lower post offered to the applicant on the basis of "Performance Evaluation" as mentioned in your communication dated 20-06-2013

3B) Still, the applicant wishes to know whether any underperformance has been observed or any discrepancy reported in his performance? Has it been mentioned in my appraisals and marked to the undersigned for making requisite corrections? Whether the undersigned was informed at any time during this five-year period, in written, that his performance has shortcomings, and was offered a chance to make necessary improvements? Please refer to appropriate statutes of your offer of engagement in this regard, and the conditions governing the probation period.

3C) As regards "Interview" as mentioned in your communication dated 20-06-2013 and referred to as above, kindly comment:
3Ci) Whether any interaction between the higher authority of the organization and an employee is termed as an "Interview"?
3Cii) Whether the undersigned was informed in written that this formal interaction will form the basis of his confirmation/promotion within the organization?
3Ciii) Further, please note that as per Contract of Engagement, as offered to the undersigned vide ICAI/HRD(P)/Rectt/2008 dated 07-03-2008 by virtue of which the undersigned joined this organization only after resigning from the services of his previous employer, did not mention at any place about any such prerequisite to the confirmation after probation period is over, and neither was any such stance intimated, within sufficient period, to the applicant during his entire period of service.

4) As per your mention of "...more than 60 persons consented and had accordingly been absorbed." as mentioned in your communication dated 20-06-2013, kindly note/comment that:

4A) What are the legal grounds to justify that if 60 persons, recruited as MT for consideration as EO after end of probation period, accept the offer to the post of SO (a much lower rank to the post of EO as assured to them vide their offer letter), the applicant should also accept the same following their example.

4B) Those MTs who accepted the offer of SO, in place of EO, must have their personal problems and pressures to accept even what was legally and ethically wrong on the part of the institute and such an act by the authorities of the institute, including the hon'ble president; secretary; executive committee members etc of concerned time span reflect mass-victimization of its fresh recruits at institute's end and also conveys gross violation of humanitarian and corporate/labor laws and, in general interest of all affected parties, certainly calls for disciplinary action by external appropriate authorities/tribunals/regulators.

4C) Further, what was the basis/grounds of recommendation and confirmation of many MTs as EO who have joined the organization on a date much later to date of joining of the applicant [ e.g. Lokesh Aggarwal (DOJ:07-07-2008); Uma Suresh (DOJ:31-10-2008); Anindita Kundu (DOJ:16-10-2008) and Priyadarshini Mehta (DOJ:19-01-2009) as per Approved Office Note dated 01.09.2010 ], and so many other such cases.

4D) What were the reasons for such discrimination; favoritism and biased practices being observed in process of confirmation/promotion of employees, increasing sycophancy in the organization rather than improving the work-culture, thereby enhancing the professional reputation of the institute. I understand that the organization may reward (though, through other means such as your out-of-turn scheme etc) few but the interests and rights of others shall also be equally protected, ensuring them equal opportunities of career progression and personal improvement. Therefore, such offers to below ranks stand invalid; illegal and inhumane.

4E) No organization has any right to keep an employee on probation for indefinite and unspecified period, when the same is specifically mentioned in terms of conditions of the probation to be of not more than one year. The organization must have reviewed the applicant's performance and communicated its decision to the employee within some reasonable time whether the probation has been extended and for what further period. If the management forgets to discharge its duty to review the case of the employee the employee cannot be penalized for the fault of the management and unfair labor practices.

Therefore, above points 1-4 clearly affirm that your past actions and negligence and your communication Ref No ICAI/HRD/K-4/2013 dated 20-06-2013, are a combined process of victimization of undersigned with malafide intentions of making him a scapegoat to defend the organization's unlawful decisions of past, offering and taking acceptance from the trainees, under intangible tactics, for a lower post after end of probation than assured through offer letter, and constantly delaying justice to the aggrieved applicant. Thus, terms and conditions of offer of employment as issued to the undersigned are grossly violated, denying principles of natural justice and demonstrating undemocratic; discriminatory and in-transparent practices being observed by this autonomous body, established under an act of parliament and under direct control/supervision of Ministry of Corporate Affairs, considering its employees as financial liabilities in master-servant relationship rather than human assets as per concurrent corporate tenets. Such an organization of worldwide repute, imparting professional education to aspiring CAs who will be responsible for accountability of Financial India, fails on its part to issue timely confirmation order to its employee, defying and challenging the law of the land  on account of defective terms of agreement, as against the interests of the employee, entire administrative apparatus remaining insensitive to career-growth; financial security and well being of its workers, adopting discriminatory practices and dilatory tactics.

Please note that pro-employee statutory provisions supersede contractual obligations and are based on the ‘principles of natural justice’ which are justice, equity, good conscience and fair play.  Also, the Indian Constitution, through the Directive Principles of State Policy, requires the nation to bear the primary responsibility for developing an appropriate system to protect and assist its workforce by framing of appropriate social security policy for workers, administration of all the legislations relating to social security and implementation of the various social security schemes, covering the spectrum of preventive, promotional and protective measures for labor welfare.

I am aware that, as a whistleblower, I may suffer undesired results; blasphemy; accusations; transfer; disciplinary action etc, but through this communication I seek amnesty of the hon'ble president and secretary of the organization and an assurance that my interests and records will be protected as per ethical office procedures.

Finally, I also request the appropriate authorities at the institute to review the offer of position of SO as extended to applicant, in light of above facts and under principles of natural justice, and communicate the decision, in written, to the applicant, within ten days of receipt of this communication. If the authorities so desire, they may conduct a proper/fair self-appraisal of the applicant as on date, reviewed through sectional head and recommended by concerned regional head, as per office procedure, to ensure satisfactory performance of the applicant.

Thus, my prayer for seeking long-delayed justice, as per terms offered in my appointment contract, is as summarized below:
1) Confirmation at the Post of E.O. w.e.f. 07-04-2009
2) Payment of all arrears and annual benefits (viz. Medical benefits; annual lump sum) etc. w.e.f 07-04-2009
3) Award/Payment of additional benefits, due, if any, as per prevailing HRD Policy of the institute.
4) Recovery of additional arrears paid Rs40000 [(Rs2500*22months)-(Rs2500*6months, as actual due)]
5) Credit of Annual Earned Leaves in my leave account, as per office rules, w.e.f 07-04-2008

Thanking you in anticipation of legitimate consideration of my prayer, and inform the applicant within stipulated time limit as mentioned as above.
Kindly acknowledge the receipt of this mail.

With due regards,

Atal Bajpai,
Management Trainee,
Accounts & Administration Section,
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
Central Region Office,
ICAI Bhawan, Post Box No.314,
16/77-B (New No.16/191), Civil Lines,

ICAI Reply dated 24-06-2013, SO Offer received, though this time IN WRITTEN!

So, Sirs/Madams,

At last, I have been give an offer letter for the post of Section Officer in written by the Institute.
I understand that ICAI cannot do justice to me because what it had done to other Management Trainees, illegally confirming them all (nearly 90%) to the post of Section Officer, rather than to the Post of Executive Officer, after end of Probation Period.

So.. shall I also have to accept the same...?
So.. shall I be made a scapegoat to defend institute's injustice..?

nice conspiracy by the institute..
if i accept.. their problem is solved... and mine begin as self-confidence and self-esteem are compromised!
if i reject.. their problem is still solved.. as i may be terminated unlawfully!

lets see what happens..

i know and hope that conscience of few of our esteemed council members is still awake.
I also hope that at least there would be someone who will realize this mistake and feel the pain and agony undergone by us during this entire period.

I have represented again! and we all know what the result probably would be!


ICAI Reply letters dated 20.6.13 addressed to Shri Atal Bajpai and Shri Anand Kumar

ICAI Reply letters dated 20.6.13

So.. at last.. the silence breaks but the justice still evades us!

Atal Bajpai
Please visit my webpage for latest updates:

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "" <>
To: "" <>
Cc: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Friday, 21 June 2013 5:41 PM
Subject: RE: Reply letters dated 20.6.13 addressed to Shri Atal Bajpai and Shri Anand Kumar

Dear Sir,
I really appreciate the kindness shown by the institute in re-extending the offer, the legal grounds of which are doubtful and still need a valid justification.
To accept what I rejected three years back will require a lot of brainstorming as my right to natural justice and indiscrimation in employment opportunities and fundamental right to equal opportunities of employment are again jeopardized with this non-transparent and biased decision.
Thereby, I hereby seek this opportunity to give me 5-days time to think and act accordingly.

With due Regards and sincere gratefulness,

Atal Bajpai,
Management Trainee,
Accounts & Administration Section,
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
Central Region Office,
ICAI Bhawan, Post Box No.314,
16/77-B (New No.16/191), Civil Lines,
Phone:     [+91] (512) 3011177
Facsimile: [+91] (512) 3011193

Sent: 21 June 2013 17:14
Subject: FW: Reply letters dated 20.6.13 addressed to Shri Atal Bajpai and Shri Anand Kumar

Dear Sirs,
Please find attached herewith your appointment letters for acceptance, as per e mail of Shri. K.C. Subramanian,Dy.Secretary of HRD(P), ICAI, New Delhi.

Yours faithfully
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
ICAI Bhawan,Post Box No.314,
16/77B,(New no.16/191), Civil Lines,
Kanpur -208001.
Phone :[+91](0512)3011153
EPABX & Intercom No.153
Facsimile: 91](0512)3011193

From: Personnel ICAI []
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2013 11:07 AM
To: Ep James;
Subject: Reply letters dated 20.6.13 addressed to Shri Atal Bajpai and Shri Anand Kumar
Kind Attn : Shri E.P. James, Deputy Secretary
Dear Sir,
Kindly find attached scanned copy of letters dated 20.6.13 addressed to Shri Atal Bajpai and Shri Anand Kumar.  Hard copy of the letters have been sent to you by Speed Post on 20.6.2013.  You are requested to kindly arrange to handover the letters to both the concerned and take receipt of the same.

Thanks & Regards

(K.C. Subramanian)
Dy. Secretary
Thanks & Regards
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
ICAI Bhawan
P.B. No.7100
Indraprastha Marg
New Delhi - 110 002.

Tel.(D) - +91 (11) 30110424, 30110546
Tel. Board : +91 (11) 39893989
Fax : +91 (11) 30110592
E-mail :
website :

Thanks & Regards
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
ICAI Bhawan
P.B. No.7100
Indraprastha Marg
New Delhi - 110 002.

Tel.(D) - +91 (11) 30110424, 30110546
Tel. Board : +91 (11) 39893989 
Fax : +91 (11) 30110592
E-mail :
website :

Blog post dated 17-06-2013

Blog post dated 17-06-2013

Few days back, I had sent my grievance to the Hon'ble President of ICAI, Vice-President of ICAI, and all the respected elected/nominated Central Council Members, Secretary Sir, and with a CC to Shri Sriprakash Jaiswal, Hon'ble Union Minister of Coal, GOI. Consequently, I immediately got a call through proper channel asking me that why had I sent my grievance to some out-of-office authority (i.e. Shri Sriprakash Jaiswal) with a disguised threat that I may suffer the consequences of this act. (What kind of suffering..?)

Sir(s)/Madam(s), with all due respect I have for you all and my esteemed organization, I just wish to emphasize that I have already been under constant suffering - psychological; social; and financial, but have never rued about it in hope that some day the organization will consider my dedicated hard-work sincere commitment to the assigned duties and responsibilities, that, to my utter dismay, seems to have been perennially neglected by it. The organization has never noticed our pains and perils throughout this entire period and till date, illegitimately denying promised career prospects to the aggrieved vide O-o-E and violating my fundamental right to equality of opportunity in matters relating to employment or appointment.

At this juncture, I shall also take the opportunity to inquire from all you esteemed intellectuals that what other options do I have to ensure career-certainty and peace of mind for self , and proper fulfillment of even the very basic needs of my dependents rather than striking every pillar and post of the concerned departments/ministries of U.P. Govt and the Government of India, various concerned agencies viz. DOPT; NHRC, Hon'ble Supreme Court of India, and to the Print and Electronic Media and all such  appropriate forum in pursuit of long-delayed Justice? Perhaps, i will have to do that in case of non-receipt of any satisfactory reply from the institute within 10days of my previous communication, i.e., upto 17-06-2013.

Please guide me and justly consider the case on appropriate legal; human grounds. If deemed fit and situation demands, a tripartite settlement may be considered under a mutually appointed arbitrator (such as i) Retired Justice of Supreme Court or High Court; ii) DOPT Authority; iii) MCA Official; iv) Renowned Social Activist or v) Any other such authority as consented by both parties.

I further request that one opportunity may kindly be given so that assessee can submit the requisite papers before the authorities and the interest of justice shall be served, considering the issue properly, after giving the applicant an opportunity of being heard.

Blog post dated 13-06-2013

Blog Post

Although, I was an integral part of organizing phases of Convocation 2013, I was totally sidelined on d-day itself just because I dared to speak and question the institute's policies. If one question creates such a chaos at your end, imagine what happens to me daily while I am questioned by my wife; my parents; my family; relatives; friends; and the neighborhood about not being able to meet their basic livelihood expectations even after possessing distinguished academic achievements and professional accomplishments, imagine what I may feel like when we are always cornered while any event is organized for the staff even though we have been a part of this family since more than past five years.
I have been warned again not to come in front of a Central Council Member "Mr.XYZ" eevn at office, Why..? What wrong have I done..? instead of veiling me it must be they who should hide their faces as they have been doing wrong to the employees for all this period without any care; concern or guilt. and also, they should hide their faces who have been undertaking this injustice and nurturing it all the time.
Still.. this intouchability has only strengthened my determination to extend this struggle against injustice to further levels untill truth triumphs. Come what may, even a transfer or termination, i have prepared myself to fight against these discriminatory practices being adopted by the institute; especially in the matters related to staff.
The continued silence of authorities will never resolve the issue. Someone must be made answerable to the gross violation of and individual's fundamental right as guaranteed by the constitution of India. Someone must be accountable for this delay and injustice. This constant silence is making the aggrieved completely baffled and clueless.

ESahayata Reminder dated 20-06-2013

ESahayata Reminder dated 20-06-2013

Dear sir(s),

Please refer to my grievance reference no. 0372013140623QH.

Even after so many repeated representations and prayers; E-Sahayata etc., the institute authorities have preferred to remain silent over the issue offering no solace to the aggrieved whose continuously increasing sufferings; hardship and uncertainty . You are requested to escalate my grievance to President's Office and other appropriate authority at earliest, under an intimation to the undersigned of action taken.

With Regards,

Atal Bajpai

ESahayata dated 15-06-2013

ESahayata dated 15-06-2013

Dear Sir(s)/Madam(s),

The aggrieved is a management trainee at the kanpur office of ICAI, appointed vide O-O-E letter dated 07-03-2008, joining on 07-04-2008, after properly relieving from the Post of Lecturer cum TPO (then scale of 8000-275-13500 at LBSIMDS, Lucknow in legitimate expectation of adequate financial growth and well-scheduled career plan as promised vide O-O-E. 

Further, although such a significant period has elapsed, the organization has neither confirmed him nor provided any reason for such negligence. The candidate has properly represented himself repeatedly vide letters dated 06-09-2010, 01-05-2013, 23-05-2013 and 06-06-2013 to the offices of Honble Secretary and Honble President, supplemented with a communication dated 10-06-2013 from the O/o Honble Union Minister of Coal in regard to his grievance. Yet the aggrieved has been unable to receive any proper reply reflecting utter neglect of the sufferings being undergone by the applicant and his dependents and also of the above said communications. 

Thereby, the aggrieved wishes to seek reasons thereof and action taken/planned in this regard, from your good office, and through it, from various concerned authorities as per your grievance escalation matrix, within the earliest time-frame.

Hoping for a timely and lawful consideration of my grievance on appropriate legal and human grounds.

Yours Sincerely,
Atal Bajpai

Email dt 08-06-2013 To President-ICAI; Secretary-ICAI; All Elected/Nominated Members of present Central Council

Email dt 08-06-2013
To President-ICAI; Secretary-ICAI; All Elected/Nominated Members of present Central Council

Dear Sir(s)/Madam(s),

Please find attached herewith a scanned copy of fourth reminder of my prayer towards consideration of the applicant's consideration for the post of Executive Officer, or such suitable post as due on date to the aggrieved, giving a thoughtful consideration of my academic and professional qualifications; previous work experience, continuous sincere service to the institute for more than past five years' period and upto utmost satisfaction of my colleagues; seniors and the office; upholding the dignity of the institute at workplace and in constant pursuit of organization's mission and objectives. 

Here, I would also bring your kind attention to the fact that though we have in our country a very comprehensive set of labour legislation and legal framework for the purpose of regulating various issues relating to different categories of workers, but most of these provisions remain confined to law books and exploitation of workers continues to exist, even in such an esteemed autonomous body like our institute whereby discriminatory practices and policies are adopted clearly demonstrating a pattern of violating the law of the land and denying the rights of the individual.

The original copy, along with appropriate enclosures, has already been sent to your esteemed office. 

Kindly acknowledge the receipt of this mail.

With due regards,

Atal Bajpai
Management Trainee, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, 
ICAI Bhawan, 16/77-B, Civil Lines, Kanpur
R/O: 308/289-A, Bajpai Nagar, Jajmau, Kanpur - 208010

PS: For the sake of reducing the size of this email, copies of annexures are uploaded to following links whereby same are readily available for your kind perusal.
1) Box Link (for download) : 
2) Blog Link (for viewing only) : 

Email dt 25-05-2013 to President-ICAI and Secretary-ICAI

Email dt 25-05-2013
To President-ICAI and Secretary-ICAI

Dear Sir(s),

Please find attached herewith a scanned copy of my prayer for consideration of my candidature for the post of Executive Officer, or such suitable post as due on date to the aggrieved applicant, giving a thoughtful 
consideration of my academic and professional qualifications; previous work experience, continuous sincere service to the institute for the past five years up to utmost satisfaction of my seniors and the office; upholding the dignity of the institute at workplace and in constant pursuit of organization's mission and objectives.

The original copy, along with appropriate enclosures, has already been sent to your esteemed office. 

Kindly acknowledge the receipt of this mail.

With Regards,

Atal Bajpai
Management Trainee
Accounts/Admin Section
The Institute Of Chartered Accountants o India,
ICAI Bhawan, 16/77-B,
Civil Lines, Kanpur

Email dt 08-06-2013 To President-ICAI - Result thereof

w.r.t. email dated 08-06-2013 - Result thereof

Yesterday, I had sent my grievance to the Hon'ble President of ICAI, Vice-President of ICAI, and all the respected elected/nominated Central Council Members, Secretary Sir, and with a CC to Shri Sriprakash Jaiswal, Hon'ble Union Minister of Coal, GOI. Consequently, I immediately got a call through proper channel asking me that why had I sent my grievance to some out-of-office authority (i.e. Shri Sriprakash Jaiswal) with a disguised threat that I may suffer the consequences of this act. (What kind of suffering..?)

Sir(s)/Madam(s), with all due respect I have for you all and my esteemed organization, I just wish to emphasize that I have already been under constant suffering - psychological; social; and financial, but have never rued about it in hope that some day the organization will consider my dedicated hard-work sincere commitment to the assigned duties and responsibilities, that, to my utter dismay, seems to have been perennially neglected by it. The organization has never noticed our pains and perils throughout this entire period and till date, illegitimately denying promised career prospects to the aggrieved vide O-o-E and violating my fundamental right to equality of opportunity in matters relating to employment or appointment.

At this juncture, I shall also take the opportunity to inquire from all you esteemed intellectuals that what other options do I have to ensure career-certainty and peace of mind for self , and proper fulfillment of even the very basic needs of my dependents rather than striking every pillar and post of the concerned departments/ministries of U.P. Govt and the Government of India in pursuit of long-delayed Justice?

Please guide me and justly consider the case on appropriate legal; human grounds.

Letter to CA. Subodh Kumar Agrawal, President, The Institute Of Chartered Accountants of India, dated 06/06/2013

Letter to Shri Sriprakash Jaiswal, Hon’ble Union Cabinet Minister of Coal, GOI, dated 06/06/2013

Annexure 9 Copy of UPTU SEE-2005 State Rank 1 Letter

Annexure 8 Copy of MBA Pass Final Mark sheet

Annexure 7 Copy of Previous Employer’s Relieving Certificate

Annexure 6 Copy of Previous Employer’s Salary Certificate

Annexure 5 Copy of Institute’s Advertisement for this vacancy, dated 15/03/2007

Annexure 4 Copy of Offer-of-Engagement (Ref: ICAI/HRD(P)/Rectt./2008 dated 07/03/2008) of ICAI

Annexure 3 Copy of Applicant’s Prayer to Secretary-ICAI, dated 06/09/2010

Annexure 2 Copy of Applicant’s Prayer to Secretary-ICAI, dated 01/05/2013

Annexure 1 Copy of Applicant’s Prayer to Secretary-ICAI, dated 23/05/2013